WHAT pension scheme members are provided with

Tailored communication: Communication is compliant with local legislation and drafted according to local best practices. Emphasis is given on personalized communication to members, rather than generic messages, providing them with the right tools and learning modules to be able to make informed decisions and act accordingly.

Multi-channel communication: Ad-hoc solutions are offered to members to allow them to interact with their pension plan. Solutions for different devices (PC, tablet, smartphone) are provided to give both online and mobile experiences. When allowed by local regulations, the “going digital”, a full paperless approach is adopted.

One single, secure multi-account web access on member level: A multi-lingual multi-country multi-account website is offered to members, allowing them to access information on different accounts within a single web portal. A customizable set of functionalities is made available in accordance with plan rules and regulations.

Chatbot: Chatbots are digital robots (or interfaces) designed to conduct conversations via auditory or textual methods. They are becoming a disrupting form of customer engagement, effectively meeting customers’ needs for enhanced user experience through artificial intelligence.

Risk profiling: Improving members’ financial education and engagement is nowadays essential in pension arrangements with a DC component. The Risk Profiler tool helps members to understand their investment goals and their willingness to take risks through a series of questions, easy-readable charts and alerts.

Pension projections: Member’s experience cannot be complete without pension modelling tools. The Pension Modeller is based on an actuarial engine capable of projecting future benefits (lump sum/ annuity) according to various assumptions and parameters (retirement age, contribution rates, AVC, pay-in and pay-out currency, investment strategy, ...). Members can also customize their projections according to their attitudes, preferences and expected market conditions.

Email alerts: Email and text notifications are sent to members to inform them when actions are required or when relevant events occur. When the annual PBS (Pension Benefit Statement) is available on-line, the dedicated alert is circulated to plan participants. Members approaching retirement are notified that the available benefits options can be reviewed in the dedicated Leaving Pack published in the portal. And so on.

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